I found some pretty fantastical replica's and I'll admit I'm pretty tempted to make the blue one.
Doesn't it just look so easy to make?
(If I ever do make this I will be sure to post about it)
Now the yellow one doesn't look as easy, I really don't think I would have enough patience to achieve such a thing.
There was one costume that I did not quite recall but I'll admit it's been a long time since I've watched this particular Disney movie but here it is:
If I were to make it I would probably be way more into the details than this (I'm a perfectionist) and that's probably why it always takes me so long to make any costume I decide to make. If I were to highly detail it, it would probably end up looking somewhat like this one:
Way to go Disney, you bring out the Princess in all of us even Cosplayers.
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